Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Voluptatum maxime accusamus corrupti natus obcaecati vitae dignissimos, id officiis similique eos.
2. Hand excavation for cable trench 50cm x 80 cm for length 220 m.
3. Sand bedding QTY 21 m3, supply and installation of concrete cable tiles QTY 440, supply and installation of warning tape, 220 m, route compaction.
4. Remove concrete cover (40cm x 60 cm) from the existing cable trench by manpower QTY 200 pcs
5. Road crossing excavation using Hydro vac for QTY 10 m
6. Installation of LRC panel inside control room QTY 1 with fabrication of steel frame and chequred plate to cover it.
7. Transportation and installation of step-up transformer on the concrete foundation (Concrete foundation installation out of our scope as per given MOC)
8. Installation of emergency shutdown near to step-up transformer.
9. Dismantle the existing QTY 3 transformers that installed at the top of desaulter and shift them to BOC warehouse.
10. Transport power unit and install it at the location of the dismantled transformers from the top of desalted
11. Dismantle and transport the existing cables of the dismantled transformers and send it to BOC warehouse.
12. Supply and installation of cable trays 10 cm x 30 cm for the new power unit QTY 30 m, Supply and installation of cable trays 5cm x 15 cm around power unit QTY 35 m
Main Scope of work
1. Disconnect and remove the existing transformer
2. Excavation to make new trench for both HT and LT incomer
3. Supply and installation of new foundation for the 1 MVA Transformer
4. Supply and installation of new concrete manhole for LT and HT joints
5. Supply and installation of LT and HT joint kits
6. Supply an extension LT and HT cables with joints
7. Commission the new 1 MVA transformer few days before installation
8. Transferring the new transformer to the new location with installation
Main Scope of work
1. Making Important test (Winding Isolating) & Breakdown oil before prepare the transformer to transfer to Workshop to maintenance.
2. dismantle the transformer No 1 transport it to Basra Workshop
3. Making transformer Ratio test at the work shop
4. Remove the Sunshade
5. prepare lifting plan and perform lifting by Sarens
6. Replacement of the Gasket to prevent leak
7. Transportation from Workshop to Shamiya and installation the transformer
8. Repeat the same steps from 3 to 9 for the second transformer
9. the period to maintain the transformer will be within two weeks.
10. ITRs
Main Scope of work
Discounted the Ends MV Cables from two side from Overhead wire and RMU side, Also Excavation for purpose of extracting the Underground Cable to facilitate replacing the Faulty End cable with new one.